• "You have made this so easy for me, thanks."
  • "You “get it” [the understanding of the co-curricular nature of student affairs in a liberal arts institution]."
  • "You are extraordinarily gifted [at search] – you're warm, know the institution; [you make candidates] want the job!"
  • "You are the best consultant we've ever had, and we've had many."
  • "Thank you for taking on this project and for engaging it so thoughtfully and courageously."
  • "Thank you so much for everything that you have done for us. Not just with the VP search, but being there to listen as well."
  • "Your advice was incredibly helpful, and I left feeling clear about what I needed to say and do."
  • "Thank you for all your work on this, and your good advice. It is clear to me now that our conversation on Monday led me to the right decision. I appreciate your listening ear, discretion and expertise."

Recent Assignments

*Designing an assessment “dashboard” for Division of Student Affairs, providing quantitative documentation of the division's contributions to student education.
Liaison: Chief Student Affairs Officer and senior leadership team
*Reviewing two departments, assisting senior institutional leadership in making longterm strategic departmental leadership decisions.
Liaisons: President, Executive Vice President.
*Identifying and recruiting a senior multicultural admissions professional
Liaison: Vice President for Admissions
*Mentoring an interim Dean of Students
Liaison: Interim Dean of Students
*Advising two search committees: Vice President for Student Life, Dean of Students
Liaisons: Two Presidents, Vice President for Organizational Development
*Assessing a Student Affairs department in preparation for reaccreditation
Liaison: Sr. Faculty
*Planning new campus center
Liaisons: President, Vice President Administration, Interim Dean of Students
*Filling a director-level vacancy (nonprofit organization)
Liaison: CEO
*Advising on board conflict (nonprofit organization)
Liaison: Executive Director
*Advising a rural campus about attracting student life personnel
Liaison: President
*Advise Greek Issues
Liaison: Greek Advisor

Why do we not provide the names of client institutions on this website?

Just as we will protect your privacy if you become a client of Project Partnerships, we protect the time and privacy of institutions for whom we have worked previously. After we have discussed your project, and you have indicated interest in working with us, we will happily provide the identity of any of the scenarios on the website, and the names and contact information for any of the individuals for whom we have worked.

Why do we not provide costs and fees on the website?

We charge a competitive hourly rate for offsite work, and a day rate for on-campus consulting. Because we want to work nationally, we want to be competitive with more regional resources, and do not charge for travel time. (We do recover out-of-pocket travel expenses.) Each project is unique; we are happy to estimate our time in advance, and to work within your institution's policies.